Results for 'Elena Dmitrievna Smirnova'

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    Smirnova Elena Dmitrievna.Елена Драгалина-Черная - 2019 - Philosophical Anthropology 5 (1):207-218.
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  2. Vasiliev and the Foundations of Logical Laws.Elena Smirnova - 2017 - In Dmitry Zaitsev & Vladimir Markin (eds.), The Logical Legacy of Nikolai Vasiliev and Modern Logic. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    The problem of formalization of some nonstandard semantics.Elena D. Smirnova - 2001 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 9:153.
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    Plusquamperfektkonstruktionen mit Modalverb im Deutschen.Tanja Mortelmans & Elena Smirnova - 2010 - In Dagmar Bittner & Livio Gaeta (eds.), Kodierungstechniken Im Wandel: Das Zusammenspiel von Analytik Und Synthese Im Gegenwartsdeutschen. De Gruyter. pp. 47-66.
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    Linguistic Realization of Evidentiality in European Languages.Gabriele Diewald & Elena Smirnova (eds.) - 2010 - De Gruyter Mouton.
    This volume contains a selection of contributions to the workshop 'Linguistic realization of evidentiality in European languages', held at the 30th Annual ...
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    Modalität und Evidentialität =.Gabriele Diewald & Elena Smirnova (eds.) - 2011 - Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier.
    Dieser Band bietet eine Auswahl der Beiträge der Tagung "Modalität und Evidentialität", die vom 31. Mai bis 2. Juni 2010 an der Leibniz Universität Hannover stattfand, sowie weitere einschlägige Aufsätze. Die Tagung führte die Tradition der Treffen des Arbeitskreises "Modalität im Deutschen" fort und nahm mit dem Schwerpunkt "Modalität und Evidentialität" ein in der Linguistik aktuelles und intensiv diskutiertes Thema auf. Evidentialität, d.h. die sprachliche Kennzeichnung der Informationsquellen für Äußerungen, und Modalität sind eng verwandt, weshalb sich der Band intensiv mit (...)
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  7. Doctor Xavier EMMANUELLI.Doctor Xavier Emmanuelli, Leonid Roshal, Boris Cyrulnik, Hatem Kotrane, Alexey Ivanovitch Golovane, Norman Long & Pr Elena Rostislavovna Yarskaya-Smirnova - forthcoming - Philosophy.
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  8. Human Goals Are Constitutive of Agency in Artificial Intelligence.Elena Popa - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1731-1750.
    The question whether AI systems have agency is gaining increasing importance in discussions of responsibility for AI behavior. This paper argues that an approach to artificial agency needs to be teleological, and consider the role of human goals in particular if it is to adequately address the issue of responsibility. I will defend the view that while AI systems can be viewed as autonomous in the sense of identifying or pursuing goals, they rely on human goals and other values incorporated (...)
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  9. ¿ Derechos humanos con genitivo?Elena Martinez Barahona - 2012 - Ciencia Tomista 139 (1):147-152.
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    Injustice by Design.Elena Ruíz & Ezgi Sertler - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Systemic epistemic failings in institutions are often explained through settler epistemologies and settler colonial frameworks that both obscure and reproduce the conditions necessary for those failings to endure. What is never questioned in the standard picture of institutional epistemic injustice is the implicit origin myth of an ‘institutional big bang’ that spawned many modern social institutions out of presumably noble orienting goals for a well-functioning society in democratic nation-states. We are concerned with the functional outcomes of institutions in settler colonial (...)
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    Ibn Sīnā, “Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics Λ 6–10”.Elena Comay del Junco - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 33 (1):64-85.
    This is the first English translation of Ibn Sīnā's (Avicenna) Commentary on Chapters 6-10 of Aristotle's Metaphysics Λ. It is significant as it is one of only a small number of surviving commentaries by Ibn Sīnā and offers crucial insights into not only his attitudes towards his predecessors, but also his own philosophical positions — especially with regard to the human intellect's connections to God and the cosmos — and his attempt to develop a distinctive mode of commentary.
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  12. Processes in the Development of Individual and Collective Consciousness and the Role of Religious and Spiritual Communities.Elena Mustakova-Possardt & Michael Basseches - 2013 - In Toward a Socially Responsible Psychology for a Global Era. Springer. pp. 255--276.
  13. Ibn Sīnā, “Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics Λ 6–10”.Elena Comay del Junco - 2025 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 33 (1).
    This is the first English translation of Ibn Sīnā's (Avicenna) Commentary on Chapters 6-10 of Aristotle's Metaphysics Λ. It is significant as it is one of only a small number of surviving commentaries by Ibn Sīnā and offers crucial insights into not only his attitudes towards his predecessors, but also his own philosophical positions — especially with regard to the human intellect's connections to God and the cosmos — and his attempt to develop a distinctive mode of commentary.
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  14. Thinking difference as different thinking in Luce Irigaray's deconstructive genealogies.Athena Athanasiou & Elena Tzelepis - 2010 - In Elena Tzelepis & Athena Athanasiou (eds.), Rewriting Difference: Luce Irigaray and ‘the Greeks’. State University of New York Press.
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    Abraham y la Ética del Silencio en el Pensamiento de Søren A. Kierkegaard.Cătălina Elena Dobre & Rafael García Pavón - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 10:515-526.
    This paper presents an interpretation of the paradoxical decision of Abraham done by Søren A. Kierkegaard in his work Fear and Trembling as an ethics of silence. The main idea is to understand ethics not as moral standards or specific duties, but as the responsibility of becoming a single individual in time; singularity as the intimate and personal relationship with the calling of love. In such a way, that silence is the experience of the encounter with the paradox that being (...)
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    Predatory Monetisation? A Categorisation of Unfair, Misleading and Aggressive Monetisation Techniques in Digital Games from the Player Perspective.Elena Petrovskaya & David Zendle - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (4):1065-1081.
    Technological shifts within the video game industry have enabled many games to evolve into platforms for repeated expenditure, rather than a one-time purchase product. Monetising a game as a service is challenging, and there is concern that some monetisation strategies may constitute unfair or exploitative practices which are not adequately covered by existing law. We asked 1104 players of video games to describe a time when they had been exposed to transactions which were perceived to be misleading, aggressive or unfair. (...)
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  17. La calle como soporte de transgresión cultural en el siglo XX.Elena Segurajáuregui Álvarez - 2020 - In Herrera Gutiérrez de Velasco, Luis Carlos & Martín Clavé Almeida (eds.), Transgresión: en la historia, la arquitectura, los objetos y la comunicación. [Ciudad de México]: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco, División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño, Departamento de Evaluación del diseño en el tiempo, Área de Historia del Diseño.
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  18. Mourning (as) woman: event, catachresis, and "that other face of discourse": poiesis of alterity.Athena Athanasiou & Elena Tzelepis - 2010 - In Elena Tzelepis & Athena Athanasiou (eds.), Rewriting Difference: Luce Irigaray and ‘the Greeks’. State University of New York Press.
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    Psychological mindedness and awareness of self and others.Mark Beitel, Elena Ferrer & John J. Cecero - 2005 - Journal of Clinical Psychology 61 (6):739-750.
  20. Le leggi di sanita della Repubblica di Venezia.Nelli-Elena Vanzan Marchini & Pietro Morpurgo - 1995 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 17 (2):337.
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    Logic and Discrimination.Elena Ficara - 2024 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (1):46-57.
    The paper is about the connection between logic and discrimination, with special focus on Plumwood’s ideas in her groundbreaking article ‘The Politics of Reason. Towards a Feminist Logic’ (1993). Although Plumwood’s paper is not focused on the notion of discrimination, what she writes is useful for illuminating some basic mechanisms of thought that are at the basis of discriminatory practices. After an introductory section about the concepts of logic and discrimination and their possible interconnections, I present Plumwood’s ideas in 1993 (...)
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  22. Solidarietà.Léon Bourgeois & Elena Antonetti - 1998 - la Società Degli Individui 3.
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  23. Historia intelectual, historia de los intelectuales. Un acercamiento al campo histórico del tema.María Elena González Cifuentes - 2011 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 19:63-77.
    This paper makes an assessment of a number of texts (classics) dealing with the debate on intellectual history, as well as the discussion about the being and must be of intellectuals. The idea is to demonstrate the relevance of this debate, as well as of its endless discussion, its trajectory in other disciplines and the need for more dialogue between those who practice them.
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    Hegel, Beall, and the logic of Vereinigung.Elena Ficara - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):1-13.
    In 2023, Beall and Ficara present what they call Hegelian conjunctions. A Hegelian conjunction is a true conjunction of contradictory opposites in which the conjuncts, separately taken, are untrue and for which simplification fails. The analysis in Beall & Ficara History and Philosophy of Logic 44 (2) 119-131, 2023 is important for various reasons. First, for overcoming the deleterious state of estrangement between two ways of conceiving and practicing logic, the “dialectical” or “continental” and the “analytical” one. Second, for strengthening (...)
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    Bruno nel XXI secolo: interpretazioni e ricerche: atti delle giornate di studio (Pisa, 15-16 ottobre 2009).Simonetta Bassi & Maria Elena Severini (eds.) - 2012 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
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    Obstetrics during the French Revolution: political and medical controversies around the new obstetrical surgery.Elena Danieli - forthcoming - Annals of Science.
    During the French Revolution, obstetrics underwent substantial transformations in practice, teaching, and the physical spaces where it was conducted. The revolutionary authorities implemented reforms in French medical institutions that promoted an instrument-centred style and the dissemination of novel surgical techniques in obstetrics. The selection of professors for the obstetrics chair at the newly established École de santé and the appointment of chiefs for the new maternity ward in Paris favoured proponents of a mechanistic approach to labour assistance. This essay explores (...)
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    Redefining the good society: Fourth Indira Gandhi Conference, 19-23 November 1993.Elena Bonnėr (ed.) - 1994 - New Delhi: New Age International.
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  28. Usos políticos da leucopenia e diferença racial no Brasil contemporâneo.Elena Calvo-Gonzáles - 2012 - In Ricardo Ventura Santos, Sahra Gibbon & Jane Felipe Beltrão (eds.), Identidades emergentes, genética e saúde: perspectivas antropológicas. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Fiocruz.
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    Prácticas lingüísticas, configuración de sentidos y subjetividad.María Elena Candioti - 2006 - Tópicos 14:151-169.
    Se analiza los que se ha considerado un "descentramiento" del sujeto a partir de la crítica a la racionalidad tal como la concibió la modernidad. Se considera especialmente el impacto del giro lingüístico, sus aportes y también sus consecuencias negativas. Se realiza un análisis crítico de las posiciones contextualistas, sus consecuencias escépticas y las derivaciones en el orden de la acción. Se plantea finalmente el tema del sujeto y sus posibilidades, destacando especialmente su capacidad para configurar nuevos sentidos y crear (...)
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    The origins of social and legal understanding of the concept "sacrifice".Leonid Chernov & Elena Pogorelskaya - 2019 - Sotsium I Vlast 4:7-15.
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    L’interprétation performative du cogito cartésien.Elena Dragalina-Chernaya - 2013 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 50:121-139.
    Cet article a pour but d’étudier les perspectives que fournit l’approche performative de l’argument, afin de répondre à deux questions classiques liées à l’interprétation du cogito. D’abord : quel type de contrainte logique ou non logique le « donc » exprime-t-il dans la formulation de cet argument? Ensuite : quel type d’existence est manifesté par l’argument, ou par sa formulation par Hintikka : « Cogito ergo quis est? ».
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    The Phenomenology of Superstition or a Phenomenological Superstition?Elena Ibáñez-Guerra - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (3):251-254.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Phenomenology of Superstition or a Phenomenological Superstition?Elena Ibáñez-Guerra (bio)KeywordsBehaviorism, constructionism, intentionality, operant behaviorWhen the editors of Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology asked me to make some brief comments on two articles for the special issue edited by Pérez-Álvarez and Sass, I was delighted to accept, thinking that the task would be a straightforward one, and that I could easily meet the agreed deadline. But nothing could be further (...)
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    Candidatos, partidos políticos y electores: actividades de imagen en las cartas electorales españolas para las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo.M. ᵃ Elena Gómez Sánchez - 2021 - Pragmática Sociocultural 9 (2):127-157.
    Resumen Este trabajo, de carácter exploratorio, descriptivo e interpretativo, estudia las actividades de imagen presentes en un conjunto de cartas electorales enviadas por los principales partidos políticos españoles a los ciudadanos de ese país entre 2004 y 2019; concretamente, las cartas electorales relativas a las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo celebradas en 2004, 2009, 2014 y 2019. Las cartas electorales constituyen una parte del discurso político escrito en las que el candidato a unas elecciones se dirige a los potenciales votantes con (...)
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    Epistemology and the philosophy of science and technology in contemporary Russian philosophy: a survey of the literature from the late 1980s to the present.Vitaly G. Gorokhov & Elena O. Trufanova - 2014 - Studies in East European Thought 66 (3-4):195-210.
    The present article provides an overview of the key subjects of scholarly research in the areas of epistemology and the philosophy of science and technology conducted in Russia between the 1980s and the present. These disciplines are shown to be deeply rooted in Soviet philosophy and still developed by contemporary Russian philosophers, with both the historical experience of the Russian philosophical thought and foreign conceptions and schools, classical as well as modern, drawn upon. The corollary is that epistemology and the (...)
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    Editorial: Consumer Engagement in Health and Well-being: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives in Patient Centered Medicine.Guendalina Graffigna & Elena Vegni - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Moral distress related to ethical dilemmas among Spanish podiatrists.Marta Elena Losa Iglesias, Ricardo Becerro de Bengoa Vallejo & Paloma Salvadores Fuentes - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (5):310-314.
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    Sandu Frunza (coord.), Philosophy and Religion – A Multidisciplinary Approach.Ana Elena Ilinca - 2001 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1 (1):146-148.
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    Pluractionality with lexically cumulative verbs.Gianina Iordăchioaia & Elena Soare - 2015 - Natural Language Semantics 23 (4):307-352.
    We offer a syntax–semantics interface for a previously undiscussed type of event-external pluractional operator. While earlier literature discusses overt cases of such operators that act as derivational affixes and attach at the V-level, we here report evidence for a covert operator, which behaves like an inflectional affix at the level of Aspect. This analysis enriches our understanding of pluractional operators as markers of verbal plurality in languages where verbs are lexically cumulative and pluractionality as accounted for previously would appear to (...)
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    Mediologija virtualios tikrovės akivaizdoje: nuo filosofijos ir sociologijos remikso iki augmentuotos tikrovės žemėlapiavimo.Agnieška Juzefovič & Elena Sakalauskaitė - 2014 - Filosofija. Sociologija 25 (3).
    Straipsnyje apžvelgiamos filosofijos ir sociologijos perspektyvos skaitmeninių medijų akivaizdoje, atskleidžiama, kaip skaitmeninių medijų raida prisideda prie naujųjų disciplinų atsiradimo, sėkmingai jungiančių tiek filosofines, tiek sociologines prieigas. Remiantis garsaus medijų filosofo Michaelio Heimo tyrimais, nagrinėjamos sąsajos tarp kibernetinės erdvės ir technologijų raidos, išryškinamas jų poveikis transformacijoms, vykstančioms kibernetinės erdvės „žemėlapiavime“. Svarstant filosofijos ir sociologijos perspektyvas medijuotoje kultūroje pristatomi Franko Hartmanno tyrimai, skirti mediologijos problematikai, parodoma, kaip mediologijos rėmuose „žemėlapiuojama“ virtualioji tikrovė. Galiausiai, taikant mediologijos metodinę prieigą, nagrinėjami konk­retūs virtualios (augmentuotos) tikrovės pavyzdžiai. (...)
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    Thinking about time and number: An application of the dual-systems approach to numerical cognition.Karoline Lohse, Elena Sixtus & Jan Lonnemann - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Based on the notion that time, space, and number are part of a generalized magnitude system, we assume that the dual-systems approach to temporal cognition also applies to numerical cognition. Referring to theoretical models of the development of numerical concepts, we propose that children's early skills in processing numbers can be described analogously to temporal updating and temporal reasoning.
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  41. Estimulación lingüística en preescolares pobres.María Elena Mathiesen, Am Pandolfi & Mo Herrera - 1995 - Paideia 20:61-79.
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  42. La década Covid en México: Salud mental, afectividad y resiliencia.María Elena Medina-Mora & Olbeth Hansberg (eds.) - 2023 - UNAM.
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    La lectura del modelo y su realización: la tarea de Cézanne.María Elena Muñoz - 2012 - Aisthesis 52:237-260.
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    Increased orienting to unexpected action outcomes in schizophrenia.Elena Núñez Castellar, Femke Houtman, Wim Gevers, Manuel Morrens, Sara Vermeylen, Bernard Sabbe & Wim Notebaert - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
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    Immanuel Kant in the Conversations and Reflections of Nikolay Strakhov.Pavel A. Olkhov, Elena N. Motovnikova & Larisa E. Kuskova - 2023 - Kantian Journal 42 (4):69-85.
    The place occupied by Kant’s philosophical ideas in the reflections of the Russian philosopher, Nikolay Strakhov, needs further study. The material for a historical-philosophical reconstruction of Strakhov’s reception of Kant’s philosophy is the Russian thinker’s home library catalogue, his correspondence and his own philosophical works. Among Strakhov’s interlocutors were not only philosophers and natural scientists, but also writers, including Fyodor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy and Afanasy Fet, who in many ways determined the cultural and intellectual horizon of the epoch. The many (...)
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    Pornography as a Biopolitical Phenomenon.Aura Elena Schussler - 2016 - Postmodern Openings 7 (2):25-41.
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    The meaning of the term makara in light of comparative mythology.Elena Semeka-Pankratov - 1984 - Semiotica 49 (3-4).
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  48. «Italiani accorti» E «francesi arditi»: Letture E lettori italiani Del trattato sulla vicissitudine universale di loys le Roy.Maria Elena Severini - 2012 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 74 (2):311 - 324.
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  49. Down to Earth: Detemporalization in Capitalist Russia.Svetlana Stephenson & Elena Danilova - 2010 - Radical Philosophy 159:33.
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    Cinema: the construction of time.Elena Pogorelskaya & Leonid Chernov - 2023 - Sotsium I Vlast 4 (98):69-83.
    Introduction. The technical art of cinematography is traditionally regarded as a synthetic unity of scientific and technological progress and creativity. The possibility of unlimited copying of movie plots makes it possible to extend the authority of cinema to broad areas of public attention and forms a mass man. At the same time, the fact that cinema is, first of all, an experiment with time, organized by technical means, remains behind the scenes. The purpose of the study. If the core issues (...)
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